What Is Lonnie's Room?

There is a room in our home to which I navigate more frequently than the others. It makes me feel secure, it is cozy, and it is quiet. From the peak of the room, there is a large rusty metal angel suspended by a very thin wire. It would apear as if the angel is hovering over me, protecting, and always present. The lighting in the room creates a virtual display of dancing shadows around the angel.

Every evening when I am in "MY ROOM", I think of what Luciano de Crescenzo once said, "We are all like one-winged angels. it is only when we help each other that we can fly."

Monday, August 8, 2011

Nature's Paths

Today as I sit in "My Room", I look out over the property and notice the changes in nature.  The weather has been hot and dry causing gardens to diminish in their produce, the grass shows paths of little critters, and flowers have lost their thriving capabilities.  One morning there were deer crossing the "fun" garden and with graceful movements jumped the fence and moved on.  A beautiful sight to have seen. Throughout my life, whenever I was struggling with problems, I had found my answers and solace by spending time in nature.  It is like there is no place to hide. ... the world is at my feet and nothing can bring me down.   Sometimes life puts things in our path to show us where we belong.  Don't miss what is right in front of you.

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