What Is Lonnie's Room?

There is a room in our home to which I navigate more frequently than the others. It makes me feel secure, it is cozy, and it is quiet. From the peak of the room, there is a large rusty metal angel suspended by a very thin wire. It would apear as if the angel is hovering over me, protecting, and always present. The lighting in the room creates a virtual display of dancing shadows around the angel.

Every evening when I am in "MY ROOM", I think of what Luciano de Crescenzo once said, "We are all like one-winged angels. it is only when we help each other that we can fly."

Monday, October 18, 2010

The splash

Last week my husband and I took a small day trip to a place where we use to take his folks every year.  We have not been back since his folks died, so it was a bitter sweet experience.  We found ourselves taking the same route, visiting the same eating spots, and looking for the same treasures.  The trees were absolutely gorgeous, the weather was perfect,  people were laughing and enjoying themselves, and we seemed to  be handling the crowds with  minimal stress.   My husband was somewhat nostalgic as he had a tendency to want to see the things that his dad loved and would say, "do you remember dad would eat this and go back for seconds?"  I think it was a very healing day for him.    As we get older, we see the beauty in things that when younger we are too busy to see. I think I failed to see that his folks would not be making this trip forever, and how important it might be for him to revisit the place of his memories.  I am so glad we took the time, slowed our pace, and soaked in the day.  It reminds me of the ad that states, "I use to see puddles, but now I feel the splash!"

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