What Is Lonnie's Room?

There is a room in our home to which I navigate more frequently than the others. It makes me feel secure, it is cozy, and it is quiet. From the peak of the room, there is a large rusty metal angel suspended by a very thin wire. It would apear as if the angel is hovering over me, protecting, and always present. The lighting in the room creates a virtual display of dancing shadows around the angel.

Every evening when I am in "MY ROOM", I think of what Luciano de Crescenzo once said, "We are all like one-winged angels. it is only when we help each other that we can fly."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Difficult Moments

"We are given the desire to nurture connections, tolerate our quirks, speak the truth no matter how painful, and dream big.  We are all capable of tremendous beauty, of giving love and making the world what we want it to be."  (Author unknown)

I love this quote because it really mirrors my life in the last few weeks.  Since you do not know me personally, I must tell you that I have somewhat of a controlling personality.  I do think sometimes that I single handedly am here to change the world!  Good grief!...crazy, right?  In the last week, I have had the struggle of keeping a confidence versus fibbing.  I do not like being in this position and it is difficult to determine which is the moral thing to do.  I made a choice, ... not sure if it was correct... but it is made and I pray to my Greater Being that I made the correct choice. How often are we put in a position such as this?  We have morale obligations in which we must nurture our connections and give love in order to make things better for all concerned.  I think that is where I went and where my Greater Being would want me to go.  What are your thoughts?

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