What Is Lonnie's Room?

There is a room in our home to which I navigate more frequently than the others. It makes me feel secure, it is cozy, and it is quiet. From the peak of the room, there is a large rusty metal angel suspended by a very thin wire. It would apear as if the angel is hovering over me, protecting, and always present. The lighting in the room creates a virtual display of dancing shadows around the angel.

Every evening when I am in "MY ROOM", I think of what Luciano de Crescenzo once said, "We are all like one-winged angels. it is only when we help each other that we can fly."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Doing the Impossible.

Will Craig wrote an article on people believing they can do things.  The story was about a  boy who had fallen asleep in math class. He awoke when the bell rang, and hurriedly wrote down a problem on the black board which he thought was the homework.  He went home and worked diligently on the problem, but he could not figure it out.  He continued the remainder of the week to work on it knowing that he would fail if he did not come up with the answer.  Finally, he got the answer and took it to his teacher.  The teacher was amazed because the problem he solved was supposedly unsolvable.  How did he do it?  He believed it was possible. Will Craig said, "Handled effectively, beliefs can be the most powerful forces for creating good in our lives."

This story reinforces the fact that we can do anything we put our minds to.  How many times in your life have you, out of determination and positive thinking, accomplished something you once thought was impossible? Like the math problem, we break it down into steps making it more manageable until it is complete.  Our beliefs are a choice which forms our character, controls our destiny and enriches our growth

What was your impossible story?

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