What Is Lonnie's Room?

There is a room in our home to which I navigate more frequently than the others. It makes me feel secure, it is cozy, and it is quiet. From the peak of the room, there is a large rusty metal angel suspended by a very thin wire. It would apear as if the angel is hovering over me, protecting, and always present. The lighting in the room creates a virtual display of dancing shadows around the angel.

Every evening when I am in "MY ROOM", I think of what Luciano de Crescenzo once said, "We are all like one-winged angels. it is only when we help each other that we can fly."

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rock Bottom

Eleanor Ditrick once wrote a "flutterby" entitled Hitting Rock Bottom.  In that reflection she stated, "When I get to rock bottom... wherever that is... God isn't alarmed that I hit rock bottom....God made the rock."  I am contemplating this reflection this morning as it has been a difficult week for me.  Although I am no where near rock bottom, my spirit has been challenged and has slid to a lower level.  How do we get to rock bottom?  We become observers rather than participants, and we lose our voices to the noises of life. When we do not participate and have a voice, we lose our ability to cope with change, illness, death, conflict, and poverty.  We need balcony people to pull us up to a higher level.  Who are your balcony people? 


  1. You, Lonnie, are one of my balcony people! Thank you!

    Cyndy Yoder,
    Sniffles Bear & Friends

  2. Lonnie, You are a balcony person for more people than you realize. Thanks for being you!!
